UNICEF Challange

Every child should have an equitable chance in life and should be protected from violence and exploitation. Every child has the right to learn and live in a clean and safe environment. Each year, UNICEF’s flagship publication, the State of the World's Children, closely examines a key issue affecting children.
Objectives: How to improve the quality of life for children?
We believe the first priority for kids is to survive. In the dataset from UNICEF, we choose under 5 mortality rate to evaluate the quality of life of the kids. After performing Regression analysis, we find sanitation service, Polio vaccine, urbanized population, and Tetanus vaccine have a strong negative relationship with under 5 mortality rate. It means increasing any one of these features could decrease under 5 mortality rate. Most of those countries with higher under 5 mortality rate are in Africa, which also have a low percent of sanitation services and are among the list of least developed countries.
To decrease under 5 mortality rate, according to our model, we suggest people to enhance sanitation service, increase injection of Polio and Tetanus vaccine, and extend more urban areas. Besides an overall advice, we provide more specific recommendations. We classify all countries into 4 clusters based on their under 5 mortality rate by K-Means modelling. There are 4 clusters called “High”, “Medium-High”, “Medium-Low” and “Low”. Although we complete analysis for all 4 clusters, our suggestions would mainly focus on “High” cluster. That is because their situation is more urgent. Dashboard
Our conclusion includes enhancing sanitation service, injection of Polio, Tetanus vaccine, and urban areas could decrease under 5 mortality rate globally. For countries with high under 5 mortality rate, improving sanitation service, injection of PCV3 and DTP3β is more efficient to decrease under 5 mortality rate. Last but not least, most of countries in Africa has a higher under 5 mortality rate due to the insufficient sanitation service.